If the courier company is unable to deliver the order and the shipping status is undelivered or RTO (Return to Origin) due to any reason, it will be returned to our default address QikInk.com 42A, Ambrose Nagar, Somanur Road, Karumathampatti, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu - 641659 and will be added to your returns management system in the dashboard.
The status will be updated to "Returned" once the product arrives and passes quality control.

Using a custom return address for return is not possible since the courier companies do not have such an option.
Here are a few reasons why your orders can be undelivered or RTO’ed :
Pincode is not serviceable.
The COD amount is not ready.
Customer is not contactable.
Incomplete address.
The customer refused delivery.
Self-pickup is requested by the customer.
Future delivery requested by the customer.
Door/premises/office closed.