How to Push Products to Shopify or WooCommerce Store

Push products to your Shopify or Woo-commerce store

To eliminate the process of adding products to your store manually, Qikink offers Push Products feature to save up your time. 

In this article, we will see how to push products to your store. 

Step 1: Log in to your Qikink Dashboard
Step 2: Go to Products->Create a product.
Step 3: Select Category and Product 
Step 4: Select the Color and Size 
Step 5: Select Placement 

For plain t-shirts, enable the Plain checkbox under Placement. 

Step 6: Add a new design or select one from My Designs
Step 7: Click on the Continue button
Step 8: The Product SKUs are generated. Click on Save Products to save the products to the My Products section. 
Step 9: Go to My Products 
Step 10: Select the SKUs or products that you wish to push to your store 
Step 11: Click on Push to my store option
Step 12: Enter your Selling Price and click on Continue 
Step 13: Enter the product name, write your short description, description, tags, and product type
Step 14: Click on Push product to my store to confirm. 
May this video help make things easier for you

Congratulations, you'll successfully push the product to your store with just a few steps. 

Happy selling! 
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